Thursday, September 26, 2019

Composer report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Composer report - Essay Example analysis because of his multifaceted performance since he was not only outstanding composer, but also talented conductor, poet-playwright, publicist and theorist of musical theatre. Almost alone, Wagner created an entire trend such as musical drama. The most distinguished thing that a lot of his works are characterized with is a prominent role of mystical symbolism, which always inspired composer and fascinated intellectual audience. Wagner’s contribution to the world culture is defined, first of all, with operatic reform, which led to the dominant implementation of recitative style, popularization of symphonic operas with the help of leitmotifs and refusal from tradition operatic forms like aria or ensemble. The centre of Wagner’s performance is a synthesis of arts representing combination of music, poetry and theatrical play that are able to create overall picture of events. The music of Wagner is saturated with painful search for happiness, intention for heroic deeds and recurrent presence of deception, violence and treachery that often darken the real life. The composer’s style is characterized with excessive tragedy and actualization of myths. While listening to Wagner’s music, it is possible to feel grandeur, power, potency, audacity and determination of the creator. Wagner is miscellaneous in his representations. Hence, â€Å"Spring Waltz† is airy, light, melodic, playful and exciting set of notes, while â€Å"Die Walkure† attracts with its loudness, anxiety and expressiveness that merely cause heartache. This is typical for Wagner to be ostentatious and even scandalous right in a focus of public attention. Such nature of composer can be easily tracked and reflected in his music that presents a great surge of emotions for the

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